Wow, am I behind or what?!?!? It's been forever since I blogged. The girls are doing amazing...both love to clap and play pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo. Addie is crawling, pulling up and scooting along furniture. Walking is right around the corner...I can feel it! Allie is finally rolling over and scooting on her belly- not quite crawling just yet but she'll get there soon. She's just not as motivated to get moving, she's so laid back like her Daddy! Addie has her two bottom teeth in and Allie has one. They were doing very well at the last check up a couple of weeks ago. Allie was 23 lbs and in the 55% for height. Addie was 22 lbs and in the 80% for height. The funny thing is they are only one inch difference- funny that such a little amount makes such a difference on the percentiles! Both are babbling like crazy and Addie's favorite sound is da-da...Andie is sooo proud! Looking forward to several weekend getaways this summer...more pictures to come!