I haven't gained any weight in a month according to the doctor's chart (even though I'm eating adequate amounts), which I don't understand since they are obviously gaining some weight. The doctor told me yesterday that they are like parasites and will just take what they need from me and not to worry a bit, I'm gaining right on track according to their standards. So I've envisioned that these little blessings are just eating away the extra cellulite on the back of my thighs, which I'm only too happy about! I've also lost some water weight which has likely contributed to my overall lack of gaining. I've figured out that the only way for me to stay sleeping on my left side (which is recommended for blood flow and to help with water retention) is to sleep on the couch where the back of the couch keeps me propped up and won't allow me to lie (lie or lay, I always get those confused) flat. I've had the most beautiful ankles for the past four days since implementing my new sleeping arrangement- they almost look as good as before I got pregnant!!! Why didn't I try this 3 months ago??? This has also significantly improved my sciatic and pelvic pain- again, why didn't I try this 3 months ago???
I had a cardiac check up yesterday too, and everything looked good there with no significant changes to my heart. Looks like me and the girls are headin' in to the home stretch- now the nursery is a different story....

I've always loved this quote because it reminds me of the great lessons I've learned from my own parents. My dad was always one to have "life lesson" talks with us growing up that centered around morals, values, strength of character, etc. So I always kinda thought of him as the one that gave us our "roots" of who we were, where we came from, and what we should stand for in life. My mom is the never ending encourager, and is still our biggest fan. She always believed in any hopes, dreams, or crazy ideas that we had and stood behind us 100%- so I think of her as having given me my wings in life. She's always there to believe in me and support me.
I thought this quote was something sweet to put up for the girls to ponder as they grow...if Andie and I can be half the parents to our girls that our parents were to us then we'll have done okay for ourselves. We both are very blessed to have been raised by some awesome folks!
The cribs and the nursery bedding should be in by the end of next week and I'll be sure to get pictures up when we get that all set up... I custom ordered the nursery bedding and some of the fabric was back ordered and then they got behind so that's why I don't have it yet- ugh! I'm getting anxious to get it all put together.