Went to the doctor yesterday and everything was "perfect" according to her!!! Love to hear that word coming from a doctor! Baby A had done some more acrobatics and flipped herself around so she's no longer head down. Both babies are head up which looks much sweeter than having their feet in each other's faces. They are both moving all the time so I'm sure they won't stay in this position for long. The doctor told me to gain about a pound a week from here on out...I was a little worried that I had gained 5 pounds in the past two weeks alone, but she said I was right on track and doing really well- only up 19-20 pounds total. I think some of that must be water weight since I can't get my ankles to stop swelling!
Our entire school district is closed down until May 11th due to the swine flu so maybe I'll get enough rest and keep my feet up enough over the next week and a half that my ankles will get a nice break. I'm looking forward to a little R&R! Maybe I'll get the nursery painted.